
Grounds and procedure for establishing the absence of the "foreign player" status" in Russia



On July 24, 2020, Federal Law No. 134-FZ of April 24, 2020 came into force "On Amendments to the Federal Law" On Citizenship of the Russian Federation "in terms of simplifying the procedure for admitting foreign citizens and stateless persons into the citizenship of the Russian Federation." According to it, foreigners no longer need to renounce their previous citizenship to become citizens of the Russian Federation, and the procedure for obtaining Russian citizenship for certain categories of foreign citizens is significantly simplified.

However, these "reliefs" have nothing to do with the FIFA rules that establish the grounds and procedure for acquiring the right to play for a new football association or change the so-called "football citizenship". Except for the only one (but perhaps the most basic one) that starting all the above procedures to acquire the right not to be a “legionnaire” in Russian football is possible only if you have citizenship of the Russian Federation.

In connection with the constant tightening of the limit on legionnaires in all professional football leagues in Russia (RFPL, FNL, PFL), the issue of establishing the absence of legionnaire status for footballers is always relevant, especially if it is of interest to immigrants from the republics of the former USSR.
